Stephan Mader

21 Juli, 2022
16:00 - 17:00
21 Juli, 2022
16:00 - 17:00

Inspiriert von Begegnungen mit der Menschen-, Tier- und Pflanzenwelt, spirituellen Traditionen und seiner tiefen Liebe zur Musik entstehen Lieder, die das Herz berühren und uns an unsere Essenz erinnern.

Durch seine intuitiven Klangreisen kreiert der Multiinstrumentalist aus Österreich ein Feld der Gegenwärtigkeit, in welchem wir unseren inneren Frieden erfahren können.  

„the river is flowing back down to the sea,
I am that I am, I am you and you are me,
may all the beings in this world be happy and free,
sparks of divinity, as far as I can see.“



Stephan Maders soulful music invites us to reckognize the magic in all of life, to consciously witness the miracle of our existence.

Inspired by meetings with the human-, animal- and plantworld, by spiritual traditions and his deep love for music, he channels songs that touch our hearts and help us to remember our essence.

Through his intuitive soundjourneys, the multiinstrumentalist from Austria holds space for a field of presence, in which we can experience the peace that dwells within us.


„the river is flowing back down to the sea,
I am that I am, I am you and you are me,
may all the beings in this world be happy and free,
sparks of divinity, as far as I can see.“


[email protected]


Pachamama Festival, Oltingen
CH22 0900 0000 1524 1555 9

© Pachamama Festival 2025