Travel to the festival is possible starting Wednesday, July 16, from 10:00 AM.
IMPORTANT: Access to the site with a vehicle is only possible with a valid camper bus ticket. The printed ticket must be presented beforehand at the check-in point (see further information below).
The departure with the camper from the site is only possible from Sunday, July 20, after noon, as the vehicles are parked quite tight.
We have set up a Telegram networking chat. Here you can network if you can offer a ride or are looking for one. If you have a camper bus ticket and free space in your vehicle: Feel free to offer a ride. This will help people to drive directly to the campsite and relieve the shuttle service!
The link to the networking chat:
Parking Tinizong – PostAuto station Rona, Vischnanca - Festival Grounds
There will be regular shuttles to the Festival on Wednesday and Friday afternoon, as well as back on Sunday afternoon. During other times of the festival, shuttles will run at least every 2 hours.
There will be a notice at all departure points showing how to call the shuttle.
Longer waiting times are to be expected, especially on Wednesday and Sunday.
Your luggage will either be transported directly with the same shuttle or separately. Please pack your valuables in a bag that you can keep on your lap!
The nearest stop is the PostAuto station "Rona, Vischnanca". From there, you can easily get to the festival by foot or shuttle.
The car parking is located in the neighboring village of Tinizong. Shuttles will run from there to the festival. It is not possible to drive onto the festival grounds with your car.
Overnight stays in the car park are not permitted. Wild camping is prohibited throughout the municipality. We kindly ask you to respect this.
The parking is subject to a fee and can be paid on-site in Swiss Francs or with Twint (CHF 7/day). Please bring exact change to help reduce waiting times.
Directions to the parking lot in Tinizong:
Google Maps address entry: "Tinizong, Tga Communala" (PostAuto stop)
(Coordinates: 46.583180, 9.616702, or 46°34'59.5"N 9°37'00.1"E)
You can enter these coordinates directly into the Google Maps search field for route planning or in a Google search. The alternative coordinates work, for example, for TomTom.
If you come by camper/caravan, you will need a printed camper bus ticket. With this you must first register at the camper check-in and only then can you drive onto the festival site. It is NOT possible to drive directly onto the festival site. The camper check-in is open from Wednesday, July 16 at 10 am.
Please note that it is not possible to drive away from the festival site with the camper before Sunday noon, as the vehicles are standing quite tight.
The entrance to the Check-In on Google Maps is at "Stellplatz Rona"
(Coordinates: 46.560246, 9.622869, Alternative: 46°33'36.9"N 9°37'22.3"E)
The coordinates can be entered directly into the search field in Google Maps for the route planner or also in the Google search. The alternative coordinates work, for example, with Tomtom.
(Coordinates: 46.543131, 9.625282, Alternative: 46°32'35.3"N 9°37'31.0"E)
Departure is on Sunday until 8 pm at the latest. It is not possible to stay overnight until Monday (except for dismantling helpers & market stalls).
Longer waiting times for the shuttle bus are to be expected.
It will not be possible to leave the festival site by camper until Sunday lunchtime.